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Join Us in Helping Our Veterans Get the Care They Deserve

By working together we can provide Veterans with the healthcare they have earned. Getting Veterans appointments with doctors when they need them is the first step.


The mission of the Veterans HealthCare Alliance Network (VHCAN) is to serve our veterans with their healthcare needs through a network of quality health systems and their doctors.

The key underlying motivation is to provide veterans with the healthcare they deserve and have earned via a simple and efficacious process for the veteran.

This is accomplished through a non-competitive, non-exclusive health system cooperative focused on providing medical appointments for veterans when they need them . All health systems are available to participate.

We will “do well by doing good."


  • Establish a national network of engaged health systems and their providers to serve the 20 million veterans and their 25 million family members at the local level
  • Establish a media campaign creating robust awareness levels to let veterans in America know
    • they are respected and appreciated
    • we are here to serve them
  • Ensure veterans are “fast-tracked” into an appointment at the local level
  • Generate millions of appointments for our veterans and their family members through the 1-800-DOCTORS Veterans Healthcare Alliance Network